In such a case it is possible and advisable to modify the corporate's name of the branch in Peru. For that purpose, you will need to submit the minutes of the parent company approving this amendment together with the certificate of incorporation duly apostilled.
A public deed in Peru will be necessary to record such a resolution and amend the corporate name of the branch accordingly. Also note that according to the Public Registral Tribunal in the case Res. 295-2001-ORLC/ TR it is said that Peruvian law does not regulate the manner in which branches must be identified.
Consequently, whenever it can be established that it is a branch of a certain company, different ways of identifying it must be admitted. For example, by prefixing or adding the term branch to the name or corporate name of the parent company, by indicating or not indicating the place of domicile of the branch or by using other elements.
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